Nick Batter is running to represent Northeast Omaha in the Nebraska Legislature.

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Meet Nick.

The Batter family reading "Goodnight Moon"

  • Nick was born to a 17-year-old Benson High student who raised him as a single mother. His childhood was marked by empty fridges, utility shut-offs, and evictions. He got his first job (stocking shelves) shortly after his 14th birthday to start supporting himself. Thanks to his public school teachers, he managed to keep his grades up.

  • Although awarded a full scholarship, Nick continued to work to pay for college expenses. He took the graveyard shift on a factory assembly line and odd jobs in construction. At Harvard, Nick won the university’s most competitive public service fellowship and earned medals as captain of the archery team. His final thesis, which focused on public infrastructure construction in Nebraska, received high honors.

  • In the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, Nick founded a nonprofit organization aimed at rebuilding communities in the region. When civil war erupted in 2006, many major humanitarian organizations departed, but Nick led a team that continued to build refugee schools and supply local hospitals even as bombs and artillery exploded around them. His work spanned several years and was recognized by members of Congress.

  • After college, Nick enlisted in the Army, where he excelled. He was selected for Officer Candidate School and earned his commission as a lieutenant from the Infantry School. He underwent advanced engineering training and led soldiers in various roles and missions, including overseeing battalion humanitarian and civil works assets. During eight years of honorable service, he received decorations and medals from the Army, the Engineering Regiment, and a foreign government.

  • Nick attended law school on the GI Bill, graduating with distinction and joining a prominent Nebraska firm as a courtroom attorney. His legal writing and research have received national awards, and he has drafted complex laws that have become state statute.

  • Today, Nick has a leadership position at a large construction company. In this role, he negotiates complex infrastructure projects and resolves construction challenges. He has been a central figure in delivering many of Nebraska's largest public infrastructure projects, including pollution prevention in the Missouri River, Eppley Airfield renovations, Florence Water Treatment Plant modernization, and the construction of the Lincoln South Beltway.

  • Nick is married to Jill Batter. Jill is an attorney who works to help small businesses owners grow their businesses. Her community service includes work on the Board of Voices for Children in Nebraska, one of the state’s leading child advocacy organizations, in addition to volunteer work in the Florence community. Jill and Nick are proud parents to three future OPS students.

  • While in college, Nick volunteered his summer hours with a Minne Lusa neighborhood nonprofit, sponsoring people coming out of prison who were looking for work. Today he serves on a variety of boards and advisory groups dedicated to neighborhood issues, historic preservation, and construction education. He was elected to the Board of Directors for the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where he works to expand affordable housing, develop local infrastructure, and increase access to childcare. He has provided hundreds of hours of pro bono legal services to community nonprofits and small businesses in the neighborhood.

I am running to help make LD 13 an affordable, safe, and thriving place to live and work:

Quality and Affordable Living.

  • No tax cuts for slum lords. Property tax relief should be limited to those who bring value to Nebraska, not those who exploit the poor. Use the savings to increase the supply of quality, affordable housing.

  • Improve access to health care—particularly emergency and senior care.

  • Provide competitive pay for educators, including paraprofessionals and support staff. Teachers deserve support and respect for the value they bring to our community.

  • Make childcare more affordable. Take advantage of federal programs to help working families succeed.

  • Lower property taxes for homeowners and small businesses. If rental units get relief, ensure the benefits flow down to tenants.

Safe Neighborhoods.

  • Fix our infrastructure. Growth and poor freight routing have given northeast Omaha the deadliest roads in Nebraska. The City and State need to work together immediately to correct this longstanding problem.

  • Maximize the use of federal funding to ensure that work pays. Right now, Nebraska ranks among the bottom for utilizing federal programs—our tax dollars are being spent in other states.

  • Every person coming out of prison must have a plan and tools to make an honest living. Today, most inmates walk out of the gates without even a standard ID card.

Liberty for All.

  • Healthcare is between a patient and their doctor.

  • Decriminalize use of marijuana by adults on private property. Spend the tax revenue on our schools and infrastructure.

  • Grow community wealth by enabling local businesses to participate in public projects. Dollars to small business have a much bigger impact than dollars to large international corporations.


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